"Kazmia" - An illustration for the introduction of a character in a TTRPG campaign.
"Kazmia" - An illustration for the introduction of a character in a TTRPG campaign.
"The Carrier" - Zine piece for the 2022 Slenderverse Zine..
"The Carrier" - Zine piece for the 2022 Slenderverse Zine..
"He's Back" - Portrait of Daniel Armbruster, lead singer of Joywave.
"He's Back" - Portrait of Daniel Armbruster, lead singer of Joywave.
"Witching Hour" - An exploration of a rough character idea.
"Witching Hour" - An exploration of a rough character idea.
"Gnarlroot Acolyte" - A piece inspired by MtG art direction.
"Gnarlroot Acolyte" - A piece inspired by MtG art direction.
"Seven of Stars" - A personal piece.
"Seven of Stars" - A personal piece.
"Spawn" - A personal piece.
"Spawn" - A personal piece.
"The Lovers" - Character portraits for characters in a TTRPG campaign.
"The Lovers" - Character portraits for characters in a TTRPG campaign.
"Apprentice Assassin" - Portrait of an original TTRPG character.
"Apprentice Assassin" - Portrait of an original TTRPG character.
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